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After the Fall ba-2 Page 15

  “Right about what? Senator? Senator?”

  Slowly, she opened her eyes, and Naomi felt a pang in her chest as she watched the Senator’s tears mix with the rain on her face. She didn’t look like the powerful woman the world knew. She looked like a little girl, innocent, and pure. It was the Jane that Lash must’ve seen.

  “How beautiful! He’s so beautiful,” Jane said.

  Naomi turned, surprised that she was looking directly at Uri. “Rachel and I have this one, Jeremy. Go with Naomi and get Lash. Raphael will show you the way.”

  “Where are the others? Where are the rest of the angels?” Naomi cried to Raphael.

  “There is no army for this.” Raphael gazed sadly at her. “All who came here did so of their own will.”


  “This is it? Are you sure?” Naomi gazed at the familiar clear stream that ran through the lush landscape and the towering snow-capped mountains in the background. “This doesn’t look like Hell. It looks like home.”

  “Lucifer purposely made it look like the home where the fallen came from,” Raphael said as he stopped in front of a waterfall. “It makes it easier to sway those who are displeased with their work. It is not until after they join him that they realize the truth.”

  “Lash is in there?” She pointed to the cave hidden behind the rushing water.


  “What are we waiting for?” Naomi rushed past Jeremy.

  “Wait!” Raphael grabbed her arm. “This is no ordinary place.”

  “I know. Rachel told me about the Lake of Fire.” She shivered at the image of Uri being held captive. Lash was there now. There was no time to waste. “Let’s go.”

  Raphael tightened his hold on her. “This is not something to be taken lightly. Let me go first.” He put his hand into the water. It splashed onto his hand, and he withdrew it, wincing.

  “What is it?” Jeremy drew her behind him.

  Raphael turned to them, a serious look in his eyes. “All that you see here―the water, the cave, even the air―is made to weaken you, body and soul. The closer you get to the lake, the more your powers will be stripped from you. Do not let the lava touch you. It will burn.”

  “I know that,” she said. She didn’t care what happened to her. She just wanted to get to Lash. “I’m ready.”

  “We must be careful, but we must also be swift. Lucifer can return at any time.”

  “What? But I saw you kill him,” she said.

  “You saw me destroy his human body, but his soul remains. We may have only moments before his soul is revived, and he’ll head straight here to destroy us all.”

  With a deep breath, he turned and went through the water.

  Naomi followed after him. When the water hit her back and wings, a searing pain hit the core of her being, and she threw a hand over her mouth, muffling her screams.

  “Naomi!” Jeremy ran through the water, gritting his teeth as he went through.

  Raphael drew her into his arms and gently glided his hand over her back. She immediately felt the pain turn into a dull ache.

  Raphael leaned against the cave wall, gasping for air. “Jeremy, I am sorry. I won’t be able to heal you right now. Give me a moment.”

  “Save your strength for Lash.” Jeremy patted him on the shoulder. “I can take the pain.”

  Naomi ran down the tunnel as fast as she could, struggling to keep up with Raphael and Jeremy. The dull ache on her wings and back was nothing compared to the searing pain that swept through her lungs with each breath of the ice-cold air. Jeremy sprinted far ahead of them. She heard his groans echoing through the cave every couple of minutes. But he kept his pace, never slowing down.

  Her feet were growing numb, and she barely felt the ground beneath her. She tripped, and Raphael caught her. “We are almost there, Naomi.”

  She nodded, gasping. She couldn’t breathe. She needed air. But with each gasp, it was like she was swallowing a thousand knives, each one piercing her chest.

  She expanded her wings and tried to take flight, hoping to get to Lash faster. Her wings felt like dead weights on her shoulders, and she could barely lift herself off the ground.

  “Lash!” Jeremy’s yell echoed down the corridor.

  She felt her stomach drop at the despair in his voice, and with every ounce of strength she had, she propelled herself forward. Raphael followed close behind.

  They entered into the vast chamber, and a wave of heat slammed into her, blurring her vision. She blinked until her eyes cleared. Across the lake of lava, tied against a cracking wall and charred almost beyond recognition was Lash.

  “No!” She screamed hysterically and fell to the ground. Her hands clawed the cave floor as she wailed in agony. “No! No! No!”

  It’s too late. We’re too late.

  Her Lash, her beautiful Lash, hung limp and motionless against the stone wall. Chains around his wrists, waist, and feet were the only things that seemed to hold him up. Lava oozed from the cracks in the wall above him, dripping down onto his charred wings and body.

  “Lash! Lash!” He can’t be dead. He can’t be dead. I won’t believe it!

  Her heart leapt into her throat as his head lifted slightly.

  “Naomi,” he croaked, his voice barely above a whisper.

  “I’m coming!” she cried as she struggled to get to her feet. She’d gotten as far as the edge of the lake when lava shot through the air and splashed on her foot, making her stumble and fall to the ground, crying out in pain.

  “Naomi,” Lash’s voice rasped. “Don’t.”

  “Jeremy will get him.” Raphael carried her away from the edge of the lake.

  Naomi watched as Jeremy flew over the bubbling lava, his wings flapping heavily, his strained face growing red with the effort. She gasped as he dipped down, inches from the lava below. He grunted and pushed himself harder until finally he was at Lash’s side.

  “I have you, Brother.” Taking hold of the chains, Jeremy winced in pain.

  “Jeremy,” Lash’s voice whispered. “Forgive me.”

  “Don’t talk like that. I’m getting you out of here so you can kick my ass again. You hear me? Hang on.” Jeremy took a deep breath and let out a feral growl as he ripped the chains off the wall.

  Naomi cried while she watched Jeremy’s hands turn black as the chains burned into him.

  “They will be fine,” Raphael said, trying to comfort her. “I will see to their healing as soon as we are away from here. I promise.”

  She sighed with relief as the last chain was removed and Lash fell into Jeremy’s arms. He grunted, and his wings flapped wildly as he tried to take flight.

  “I can’t fly with him!” Jeremy yelled to them from across the lake. “I’ll have to walk the path.”

  She nervously eyed the narrow strip of rock. There was more lava than rock. It splashed against the path, washing over it.

  Jeremy hitched Lash higher up into his arms and took a careful step onto the narrow sliver of stone. Molten liquid splashed onto his feet, and he gritted his teeth. Without a sound, he moved forward, one step at a time.

  “Careful, my son.” Raphael said.

  Jeremy was half-way across when Naomi heard a sound coming from the tunnels behind them. Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. It was the fluttering of wings.

  “Jeremy, they’re coming! They’re—” Iron hands gripped her by the throat and hurled her body into the air, slamming her against the wall of the cave.

  Air rushed out of her, and she wheezed, trying to catch her breath. Her eyes widened as Sal approached her, his hulking body towering over hers, cold eyes ravishing her body.

  “After I’m done with the others, we have some business to take care of.” He smirked.

  “Run, Naomi!” Raphael lunged at Sal.

  She gasped as Sal punched Raphael, making him fall to the ground.

  She scrambled to her feet, letting out her wings as far as they would go. She was chosen to be an archangel. She was train
ed to fight. Fight she would!

  She screeched as she jumped on top of Sal’s back. His wings flapped wildly as she dug her nails in, ripping into them.

  With a roar, Sal reached out behind him and latched onto her hair. With a swift jerk, he threw her off him.

  She panted on the rough ground of the cave and was about to attack again, when there was a loud clapping.

  Lucifer stood at the chamber entrance, his eyes filled with amusement. “Impressive. I didn’t know you had it in you, my dear Naomi. Pity that you and your family”—he sneered the word— “won’t be around long enough to see what you would have become.”

  He held out his hand. The cave trembled, and the fiery liquid in the lake started to rise. She watched in horror as the lava drew closer to Jeremy and Lash.

  She turned to Raphael, and their eyes locked in silent agreement. Then he let out a feral roar, and they both ran to attack Lucifer.

  “Oh, no you don’t.” Sal growled as he tackled her, sending her body slamming against his chest. One of his hulking arms wrapped around her waist and the other around her throat. She clawed his arm as she felt herself being turned.

  “You need to see this,” he snarled. “Watch and learn the power of Lucifer, little girl.”

  With each blow, thunder reverberated through the chamber as Lucifer beat Raphael within an inch of his life. She shut her eyes in despair. She couldn’t bear to watch him being savagely beaten.

  Just when she thought she couldn’t take any more, she heard Jeremy’s sweet baritone voice, calm and soft. The words echoed in her ears, shattering her heart into a million pieces when she realized what the words meant.

  “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me.”

  Naomi’s eyes flashed open, and she let out an agonizing cry. Jeremy’s feet were slowly disappearing into the lava as he walked down the lava-covered path toward them. He held Lash tightly against his chest, protecting him from the splashes of the burning liquid.

  He took another step, and his foot sank ankle deep into the lava. His beautiful face contorted. He paused, taking short and shallow breaths. Then he looked down at Lash, his face returning to a serene calm.

  Tucking Lash closer to him, he kissed his charred forehead, and repeated the psalm under his breath as he moved onward.

  When Jeremy’s eyes found hers, she felt a surge of love from that simple look, his love for her, for Lash, for Raphael. He knew he was dying. He was doing it for his brother, and for her.

  Sal’s laughter echoed in the chamber, and hate boiled deep within her. A blinding rage filled her, and she clawed at Sal’s arm. He growled in pain, throwing her down on the ground.

  He lifted his foot and was about to kick her when a strong gust of wind followed by a blur of white rushed past her and knocked him down.

  “Now, Rachel! Uri!” Gabrielle yelled, flying toward Jeremy and Lash.

  In one swoop, Uri grabbed Sal, pummeling his fists into him. Each blow sounded with a thunderous roar.

  Rachel helped Naomi up, and both ran to Raphael’s aid. Lucifer shoved Raphael in their direction and sent him soaring in the air, striking them down.

  Naomi jumped to her feet and was about to attack again when Lucifer held his hand up and a string of lava whipped out of the lake and singed her face, momentarily blinding her. She fell to the ground.

  Everything seemed to slow down as her sight came back to her. She could see every feather of Gabrielle’s snowy white wings as they flapped powerfully above Jeremy. He lifted Lash to her, and she took him gently into her arms. She gave a simple nod to Jeremy, and she went to Naomi.

  The others held Lucifer and Sal off as Gabrielle laid Lash’s charred body at her feet.

  “Lash, my love.” Naomi gently lifted him and cradled him in her arms, tears streaming down her face.

  “Jeremy?” Lash’s pained hazel eyes gazed back at her.

  “Raphael will get him,” she said.

  Lash nodded and closed his eyes, passing out.

  Naomi looked for Gabrielle and Raphael. They’d save Jeremy. Raphael could heal him. She knew he could.

  Then her heart caught in her throat, horrified, when she looked to Jeremy. His body was slowly sinking into the lava.

  She watched as Jeremy and Raphael locked eyes and silently communicated with each other. Jeremy’s blue eyes glowed with resolve, and he gave Raphael a curt nod.

  Grief swept over Raphael’s face. He studied Jeremy, unable to tear his eyes away from him. Then finally, he returned the nod as if accepting his son’s fate.

  He turned to Gabrielle, his face a mask of determination. “Now!”

  Together, they charged at Lucifer, their feet slamming against his chest and sending him toward Jeremy. Jeremy reached and grabbed hold of his ankle before Lucifer could regain control.

  With a savage roar, he plunged them both into the fiery lake.


  Screams echoed in Lash’s ears. Jeremy! Jeremy!

  His heart pounded frantically against his chest as he searched for his brother in the darkness.

  Where are you? He had to find him—to tell him that he was wrong. To tell him that he understood.

  He moved faster and faster, getting nowhere. His legs felt like they were moving through an ocean of wet sand as he struggled forward.

  I need to tell him. I need to...before it’s too late.

  Searing heat slammed against his chest, and he felt himself falling.



  “Jeremy!” He shouted as he jerked up.

  “Lash, it’s okay.” Soft hands touched his arm. “You’re home.”

  He looked into Naomi’s pale blue eyes and then gathered her against his chest. “Naomi. You’re safe.”

  He kissed her forehead, her cheeks, and the salty tears that streamed down her face. “You shouldn’t have gone after me. You could have...could have...” He couldn’t even say the words.

  She drew back and cupped his face tenderly. “There is nothing, I mean, nothing, that will ever keep me away from you again. I love you. Always.”

  He kissed her deeply, his tears blending with hers. Fingers weaved into her hair, relishing the soft waves. He was never going to let her go again. Never.

  Her soft hands delicately brushed his back, and he winced.

  “Does it hurt? Raphael, come quick.”

  Raphael hurried into the room and sighed as he inspected Lash. “You’re recovering nicely.”

  “His back hurts,” Naomi said.

  “Just a little, my love.” He squeezed her shoulder.

  Raphael sat on the chair next to the bed. “That’s to be expected. I was able to heal everything, including your wings. There will be some minor discomfort for a while.” His face turned solemn. “Lash, about Jeremiel...”

  Lash’s throat grew thick. “Did you heal him, too?”

  He felt his soul grow numb as he heard Naomi’s heart-wrenching sob. She buried her head in his chest.

  He swallowed. “Raphael?”

  Raphael’s blue eyes, so much like Jeremy’s, looked up at him filled with torment. “Jeremiel...Jeremiel is...dead.”

  He moaned, dropping his head onto Naomi’s shoulder. “Not Jeremy. Please not Jeremy. Why? Why?”

  He rocked with Naomi as they clung to each other, crying an endless river of tears.

  “It should have been me,” he sobbed. “It should have been me! He’s the good one.”

  “No, Lahash.” He felt Raphael place a firm hand on his shoulder. “Both of you are good. It was my fault that you grew up believing otherwise. Jeremiel loved you deeply as a friend and a brother. He didn’t think twice about going after you, and neither did I. My son, can you forgive me for all my wrongdoing?”

  Lash placed a hand over Raphael’s. He remembered Lucifer’s words. Raphael wasn’t his father. He didn’t care. Raphael was always there for him, just as Jeremy was. Raphael was his true father.
/>   “I forgive you, Raphael. I forgive Jeremy. You are my family.”

  It was at that moment when a surge of images flashed through his mind, memories of him and Jeremy as small boys, running up a grassy hill together, playing; memories of sitting on Rebecca’s lap in front of a stone fire place, singing to him; memories of meeting Naomi by a stream, of them falling in love.

  Naomi gasped, and she looked up at him, her eyes shining. “I remember. I remember you and Jeremy. You were different but the same. How is that possible? What happened?”

  “What do you remember?” Raphael asked.

  “I remember I had another family.” She gazed off in the distance, her eyes shifting back and forth as if watching a movie in her mind. “My father owned an inn in the City of Ai. And there were little girls...I had sisters!”

  “I remember, too,” Lash said. “Your sisters would follow us when we snuck off into the hills. I remember my life. I remember my mother and you...Father.” He smiled at Raphael.

  “Why?” Naomi asked. “Why now? What happened?”

  Tears welled in Raphael’s eyes. “I believe it is because Lahash has truly forgiven me and accepted me for who I am.” He wrapped his arms around both of them. “He has brought you back to me.”

  Lash felt a peace within him grow under Raphael’s fatherly love, but there was an empty place in his heart. His brother was gone.

  * * *

  Time passed. Lash drifted in and out of sleep with Naomi lying next to him and Raphael sitting by his bedside watching over him. He couldn’t get himself out of bed, and he didn’t want to.

  It was all one big blur for him as he held onto Naomi. At one point, he heard Raphael whisper in hushed tones that he was leaving to visit a little redheaded girl in the hospital and that Jeremy would have wanted him to do so.

  Grief washed over him in dark waves, and he could feel Naomi’s sorrow, too. Sometimes it was small and lulling, almost bearable. At other times it was large and overwhelming, and the only thing that kept him from drowning in it was Naomi’s soft crooning that she loved him. All he could do was hold on tight to her until the tide of grief pulled back, making his waking hours just a little bit bearable again.